Introductory Investing terms and concepts eBook for the beginner

Mini-Tutorial Series eBook 1

Ladies - are you curious about learning how to invest? Do you know the "language" of investing and Wall Street? Have you ever wanted to learn? Here is a fun way to begin - download the first book in our mini-tutorial series! This eBook is for the beginner who wants to empower herself and her financial future! This eBook consists of introductory terms and concepts that any investor must know.

The 62 page eBook consists of 30 mini-lessons called "Tutorials" and explores introductory investing terms and concepts. It is a great introduction and a must-have for the beginner who wants to either learn how to invest or just know what people are talking about when they talk about the stock market. Download now, kick back with a cup of steaming hot coffee, have a pen ready to mark it up or take notes and read away!

Your Instructor

Shal Ahmed
Shal Ahmed

Ms. Shal Ahmed, CFA, is an investor, business owner and published author. She is the founder of SHALnCO, a holding company with the primary mission of educating women on how to invest in the stock market.

Shal has always been passionate about investing and the stock market. She has over two decades of investment experience and has extensive personal and professional experience in investing.

Shal has an undergraduate degree in Economics from Princeton University and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University. She also acquired her CFA certification (Certified Financial Analyst) and is a CFA Charterholder.

Shal has worked on Wall Street in firms such as Morgan Stanley, Putnam Investments, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs in areas such as Investment Banking, Equity Research, and Asset Management. Shal has a unique perspective on the financial services industry and has also been the only woman on an all-male team on multiple occasions.

Shal has created SHALnCO to teach women how to grow their wealth and work towards financial freedom and independence by teaching them how to understand, research and invest in the stock market. She firmly believes that everyone should know how to invest and is dedicated to teaching others how to take control of their own investing future.

Course Curriculum

  Introductory Investing Concepts and Terms for the beginner
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Frequently Asked Questions

When can I download the eBook?
You can download it as soon as you sign up! It is available for immediate download once purchased.
Are refunds available?
Because this is a digital product, there are no refunds available. All sales are final.
Who is this eBook for?
This eBook is for the beginner who wants to learn more about investing. It consists of investing terms and concepts that any investor must know before starting to invest.
Will I get a physical copy of the book?
No. This is just a digital copy of the eBook. However, there is a printer-friendly​ version included so you can get the most of the material included and have the option to view it both online or print it.
Is this a full course?
No. This is an introductory 62 page eBook for the person who wants to learn more about the stock market in general or who wants to learn how to invest. It is for the beginner who is not familiar with the stock market terms and concepts and is a great introductory eBook. We would recommend some of our other products once the beginner understands the concepts and terms in this eBook.

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