Investing Mindset Course

Getting in the right mindset to be a successful investor

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This course will help get you in the right mindset for investing. This is an ideal course for someone who needs to develop or strengthen their investing mindset, which is critically important when you invest. As you may or may not have observed, the stock market can be volatile and can go up or down quickly. That means you have to be prepared - mentally prepared. If your mind is strong, you will be confident in your investing when this volatility occurs. We help you get in that right investment mindset.

The course is a self-pased online course that consists of intro and wrap up modules, as well as 10 additional bite-sized modules of 8 instructional videos with key information and 2 breaks built in. We also have a workbook for you to answer and an awesome bonus Motivation Handout for you to print out and keep near you.

Ladies, we have made it easy for you. We know that you are busy. We get it. These bite-sized video modules are easy and quick to watch and you can work through the workbook for as long as you need to. You can fit this in. You can invest. You can be an investor. Remember, YOU GOT THIS.

Your Instructor

Shal Ahmed
Shal Ahmed

Ms. Shal Ahmed, CFA, is an investor, business owner and published author. She is the founder of SHALnCO, a holding company with the primary mission of educating women on how to invest in the stock market.

Shal has always been passionate about investing and the stock market. She has over two decades of investment experience and has extensive personal and professional experience in investing.

Shal has an undergraduate degree in Economics from Princeton University and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University. She also acquired her CFA certification (Certified Financial Analyst) and is a CFA Charterholder.

Shal has worked on Wall Street in firms such as Morgan Stanley, Putnam Investments, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs in areas such as Investment Banking, Equity Research, and Asset Management. Shal has a unique perspective on the financial services industry and has also been the only woman on an all-male team on multiple occasions.

Shal has created SHALnCO to teach women how to grow their wealth and work towards financial freedom and independence by teaching them how to understand, research and invest in the stock market. She firmly believes that everyone should know how to invest and is dedicated to teaching others how to take control of their own investing future.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts as soon as you register! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
Do I have to print out the Workbook?
We would strongly recommend that you print out the Workbook. It is 57 pages long and you can print it out in one go or in sections as you progress through the course. You can also view the workbook online and answer the questions in a separate notebook, but we believe that you will have a more meaningful experience and get more out of the course if you print it out and work directly in the workbook.
How can I get the investment mindset notebook?
The investment mindset notebook is available on our website for you as a separate purchase if you are interested. Otherwise, you can also work in any notebook that you have.
Are refunds available?
No. All sales are final.

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